British literature – maturitná téma (angličtina)


Téma: British literature

Predmet: Angličtina

Zaslal(a): terez2242




  • 7th – 10th century
  • Beowulf
  • King Arthur
    • The knights of the round table



  • 1066 – the Battle of Hastings
  • William the Conqueror
    • French was the first language of high class, Latin in churches
    • So much French words in English vocabulary (chateau)
  • 2 important genres
    • Ballads – for humble people, without author
      • Robin Hood – takes things to rich and gives them to poor
    • Romances – about nobel people, romances have authors, they were in French



  • Medieval
  • Geoffrey Chaucer
    • Works were in English
    • He wrote on royal court
    • Canterbury tales
      • Pilgrims, who came in to Canterbury to see grave of Thomas Becket



  • Puritanism – puritans – pure
  • They negled modern and new things
  • Main topic was God (/Bible)
  • John Milton
    • Rich family, educated in Cambridge
    • Paradise Lost – temtation – story about A+E
    • Paradise Regained



  • Daniel Defoe
    • Robinson Crusoe
      • Based on a true story; main character – Alexander Serkirk; g´he was marooned on a desert island; he ordered a ship and the ship wrecked; he built shelter, he taimed goat and he safed a man and called him Friady
  • Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
    • Revisiting of the island
    • Attacked by original settlers
  • Johnathan Swift
    • Hi lived in Ireland (Dublin)
    • Gulliver´s Travels
      • Critism of society and politics



  • New technology – erase of industry
  • Countryside and nature => „black“ or „white“
  • Escape from the contemporary world
  • Poetry, poetics


  • William Blake
    • Lake poet
    • The Song of Innocence
    • The Song of Experience
  • William Wordsworth
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    • Many health problems -> so much pain -> drugs/medicaments (opium)
    • Unhappy marriage
    • Desperate life
    • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
      • Drawn to South Pole
      • His ship was cursed because he killed to albatross
  • George Gordon Byron
    • Song of Luddits
      • Destroyers of machines in factories
    • Child Harold´s Pilgrimage
  • Percy Byshe Shelley
    • Pamflet Necessity of Atheism
    • Prometheus Unbound
    • The Revolt of Islam
      • Reflect misery of poor classes during Napoleon´s wars
      • Struggle for the freedom -> burned of the stake
  • Jane Austen
    • Realistic elements (not only romantic)
    • She writes about everyday life rather than rich people -> concentrating to teaching their children and about household
    • Pride and Prejudice
  • Walter Scott
    • The founder of historic novel
    • Interested in history
    • The Lady of the Lake
      • She pull out Excalibur with herself to the lake
    • Historic stories, stories of English history
      • The Tudors and Stuarts => old morality
      • Ivanhoe => history of Middle ages
      • The Monastery => Scottish history



  • Critical realism
  • Even children were working for survive (people lived in misery)
  • People = hazardous conditions


  • Charles Dickens
    • The Papers of Pickwick Club – Cockney scientists
    • David Copperfield
      • Small boy – difficult childhood –  work – he did not give up -> then he live much more easier
      • Trick is to be honest
    • Little Dorrit
      • Small girl´s parents are in prison
    • Oliver Twist
      • Difficult childhood -> things are going to change
    • Brontë sisters
  • Charlote
    • Jane Eyer
      • She is from orphanage
  • Emily
    • Wuthering hights
      • Mystery, dark, it shows the atmosphere of the moors Yorkshire



  • Robert Lewis Stevenson
    • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    • Treasure Island
      • A story narrated by the Jim Hawking’s. An old buccaneer comes to the inn (=pub)), he hires a room – he has got a map of the place, where can be a treasure of Captain Flist.
  • Oscar Wilde
    • The Picture of Dorian Gray
      • Main hero Dorian Gray -jung and handsome boy. Basil (painter) painted Dorian´s picture, he was charmed by Dorian’s beauty. Dorian remains nice – but the picture gets older. The picture absorbs all bad things done by Dorian. Dorian hates the picture and he decides to kill the painter. Later he also destroys the picture. Dorian thinks if he destroy the picture he will live a better life and he will be happy. Instead of this the next day Dorian is found dead and he looks exactly like the painting.
    • Lewis Carol
      • Alice Adventures in Wonderland
    • Arthur Conan Doyle
      • Sherlock Holmes



  • Rudyard Kipling
    • Born in India
    • The Jungle Book
      • Maugli – grows up in jungle -> story shows how happy he is when he is thought by beasts
  • B. Shaw
    • Pygmalion
      • Higgins bet with Pickering he can learn Lisa ( poor flower girl) how to speak and behave in high class
  • Agatha Christie
    • Miss Marple – amateur detective
    • Hercule Poirot
  • George Orwel – 1984
  • Ian Fleming – stories about James Bond
  • C. Clark – Space Odyssey 2001


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