Téma: UK school system
Predmet: Angličtina
Zaslal(a): NP
Children from UK enter school at age of 5. At this age they started Primary infant school. They go to this school until they are 7 years old. Then they go to Primary junior school and there they are under 11 years old.
From 11 to 16 years they enter Secondary School. When they are 14 years old, to be exact, begins real challenge, because in this age, they start with their GCSEs. This is a shortcut for General Certificates of Secondary Education. This means that they study, eight or nine subjects for 2 years and take an exam at the end. UK children can choose whatever they want. Plus core subjects like English and mathematics are compulsory, they must have these two.
After GCSEs they are allowed to leave school and go to vocation training or an apprenticeship. They also can leave school and get a job or only leave and do whatever they want or their parents want, of course, because most of these children are 16 years old when they finish GCSEs, that mean they are not of legal age and I think their parents have really big influence on their education and their lives of course. But that’s a bit of theme of we are talking now. Where did I end up? I already know.
GCSEs are a preparation for the next level of education, called the Sixth form. Sixth form lasts 2 years (from 16 to 18) in this period student’s complete secondary education. They have 3 options for professional study.
First call A-level. A-level is a program where students have 3-5 subjects. A-level is chosen by most high school students, mostly those who want to go to college. A-level exams, which complete this study, are very similar to the Czech high school mature.
Second option calls BTECs (The full name Business and Technology Education Council. This program is a combination of practical and theoretical study. Students already chose only 1 specific field and I think this is really interesting.
Third option calls IB Diploma or International Baccalaureate Diploma, this program prepares UK students for the international Matura exam, which is accepted for the entrance exams of world universities.
When they complete one of these options of Sixth form, they can go to the university. In the UK is normal to study away from home and in many cases, it’s really expensive, and this is a reason why many students leave university in debt.
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