Canada – maturitná téma (angličtina) (2)


 Téma: Canada

 Predmet: Angličtina

 Zaslal(a): Michaela


Canada is the second largest country by area, after Russia, but only about 35 million people live there. That’s only 3.5 people per square kilometre. This is one of the lowest numbers in the world. Canada is located in the northern part of North America. Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. In the past, Canada was part of the British Empire. Now Canada is independent, but Queen Elizabeth II still acts as Queen of Canada. The Queen is represented by the Governor-General. Most people live in the big cities of Toronto and Montreal. The capital city is Ottawa. Vancouver, Calgary and Quebec City are other important cities. Canada is composed of ten provinces and three territories. Provinces are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan. The territories are the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.


Canada is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, Pacific Ocean in the west and Arctic Ocean in the north. The highest mountain is Mount Logan. Mount Logan is located within Kluane National Park and Reserve in south-western Yukon. Canada has more lakes than any other country in the world. Lake passes the border between Canada and the USA. Lakes are located in the basin of the St. Lawrence River. Among the Great Lakes are calculated Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The longest river is the Mackenzie. Temperature can change a lot in Canada. In many parts of Canada, it can be -40 °C and very windy in the winter. In the north, it is very cold, with lots of snow and ice. Summer temperatures are generally warm (20°C) but can be hot (40°C) in some areas. In Canada, you can see Northern Lights. Northern lights are special light effects above the northern magnetic pole.


Large mammals live here that are already elsewhere on the brink of extinction. These include: the gray wolf, brown bear, reindeer, elk, wolverine (little bear), beaver or musk ox. Insects are not poisonous or dangerous.


In the province of Quebec, French is the official language. In the rest of Canada, English and French are official languages. Canada is religiously diverse. Canada encompasses a wide range of beliefs and customs. However, most residents of Canada profess Christianity.


Canadian culture is a very heterogeneous mix of different traditions and cultures. There are still remnants of the traditions of indigenous people (Indians and Eskimos), the tradition of immigrants, mainly French, Irish and Scots and Englishmen. Canadian official national sports are ice hockey and lacrosse. Other popular sports are Canadian football and curling. Golf, baseball, skiing sports, football, volleyball and basketball are also popular. Winter Olympics were held in 1988 in Calgary and 2010 in Vancouver. The Summer Olympics were held in 1976 in Montreal.


The national currency is the Canadian dollar. The Canadian flag is a red flag, which has centered in the white vertical stripe with a single maple leaf in the middle. Maple Leaf is the most famous symbol of the state. Other typical features of Canada can also include some typical animals that live nowhere else in such large numbers, and that became the hallmark of Canada. They are mainly: Canadian goose, grizzly bear, moose and beaver. Beaver is located on the small coins.


Canada is one of the richest countries in the world with a high standard of living. Canada is one of the few developed nations that are net exporters of energy. Canada exports mainly oil and gas. Canada is one of the world’s most important suppliers of agricultural products. Former Canadian Prairies are today one of the most important areas of cultivation of wheat and other cereals. It is also the world’s largest exporter of zinc and uranium and a leading exporter of gold, nickel, aluminum, lead.


Celebrities from Canada

Justin Bieber – Pop/R&B singer

Céline Dion – singer

Avril Lavigne – singer

James Cameron – director (Titanic)

Jim Carrey – actor (Grinch)

Pamela Anderson – actress, model


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