Téma: Travelling
Predmet: Angličtina
Zaslal(a): Studentka
Reasons for travelling
- Vacation
- Means of transport (dopravní prostředky)
- Airplane – remote destination (vzdálená destinace)
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
- Car
- Commuting
- Commute (dojíždět)
- From school/work to home
- Bus, car, train
- Ride sharing (several people share a car and axpanses/costs)
- Business trips (služební cesty)
- Plane, car, train – work in train comfortable
- Transporting goods
- Cargo – lodní náklad
- Van – smaller cargos
- Lorry – british
- Truck – american
- Road train – truck with many trailers (návěs, přívěs)
- Tour guides
- Pilots, engineer (strojvůdce), bus driver
- Shopping
- Sightseeing
- Cultural events, sports events
Travelling by a car
- Pros
- Door to door means of transport
- Get in x get out – get in car
- Get on x get off – plane, bus, train
- Board – ship, plane
- We can take a lot of things with us
- Pleasure
- Quiet, comfortable
- Cons
- Get stuck in traffic jam (jammed)
- Statically most dangerous
- Expensive (car, fuel, insurance – pojištění, maintenance – údržba, maintain – verb, spare parts – náhradní díly,
- We need
- MOT test – technická
- Driving licence
- Green card
- Logbook – technická kniha?
- Pollution – unfriendly to environment
- You have to pay attention
- Types of cars
- Saloon car – sedan
- Hatchback
- Estate – combi
- SUV – sports utility vehicle
- Off-road
- Sports car
- Convertible – kabriolet
- Lumousine – limuzína
- Van – dodávka
- Parts of car
- Car body – karosérie
- Engine – motor
- Exhaust – exhaust fume (dým) – bad for environment
- Gear box – převodovka
- Hood – kapota
- 5 wheel – 1 spare wheel (záložní kolo)
- Wing – british/fender – american – blatník
- Car boot – bri./trunk – ame. – kufr
- Bumper – nárazník, tlumič
- Windscreen window – čelní okno
- Windscreen wiper – stěrač
- Front
- Lights
- Front lights – přední světla
- Headlights – 1 světlo celé
- Brights – dálkové světla
- Low beam – potkávačky
- Fog lights – mlhovky
- Indicators -bri./blinkers – ame. – blinkry
- Back
- Tail lights – zadní světla
- Fog lights – mlhovky
- Brake lights – brzdové světla
- Inside
- Front seat – přední sedadla
- Rear seat – zadní sedadla
- Fasten x unfasten the seatbelt – british
- Buckle x unbuckle – american
- Dashboard – palubní deska
- Glove department – přihrádka
- Steering wheel – volant
- Clutch – spojka
- Brake – brzda
- Gas – ame./accelerator – bri. – plyn
- Gear lever – převodovka, stick shift – ame. – převodovka
- Handbrake – ruční brzda
- Air-conditioning – klimatizace
- What can happen?
- Sharp object – have a puncture/flat tire
- Inflate (nafukovat) X deflate (vyfukovat)
- Jak vyměnit kolo
- jack (zvedák) – jack it up x jack it down
- loose x tighten them – we use wrench (hasák) for loosing/tightening
- Roads
- Main road – bri. + ame./ highway –– RpR -> Hutisko
- Speed limits – town, cities – 50 km/h
- Britain A (number) main roads/highways – 90 km/h
- M (number) – motorways – bri. / highways, freeways – ameri.
- Turnpike – silnice s mýtným, we have to pay toll (mýtné)
- New Jersey turnpike – 12 lanes on each side
- Main road – 1 lane
- Side road
- Byroad – polňačka
- From main road -> motorway – we use slip road (nájezd)
- From motorway -> main road – we use exit
- Motorway – cannot stop if we don´t have a problem with car -> stop at hard shoulder (krajnice)
- Lay by- bri./pull off – ame. – odpočívadlo – there is useally a petrol station called services
- One way street – jednosměrka
- Cul-de-sac –bri/ dead end -ame. – slepá ulice
- Level crossing – železniční přejezd – when we cross the railway (železniční dráha)
- Flyover -bri. / overpass – ame. – nadjezd
- Cross road – křižovatka -> stop at traffic lights
- Roundabout – kruháč
- The highway code – pravidla silničního provozu
- Traffic signs – dopravní značení
- Petrol station – bri./ gas station – ame.
- Fill up the tank (nádrž) with petrol/diesel
- Petrol station assistant
- Valve – ventilek
- Pros
- Qiuet
- Cheap
- You can drink on bus
- Don´t have to pay attention
- Buses go nearly everywhere
- Cons
- not comfortable
- crowded
- you have to stand on bus
- Not door to door means of transport
- bus station (autobusové nádraží)
- bus stop (autobusová zastávka)
- request stop (zastávka na znamení)
- coach bus – long distance/holiday – dálkové autobusy
- buy ticket from bus driver
- Single ticket – cesta z bodu A do bodu B
- Returned ticket – zpětné
- London
- Double dacker
- Red
- Open tob bus – doesn´t have a roof, sightseeing -> tourists guide
- Headphones
- Pros
- Comfortable
- Don´t have to pay attention
- More space
- Can go to the toilet
- You can drink alcohol
- Cons
- Delay, delayed – verb
- Where is railway
- Changes (přestupy)– have to change at Hranice
- Crowded sometimes
- Not door to door means of transport
- Railway station
- Railroad – železnice, railoder – železničář
- Main hall
- Tap – tím, se čepuje pivo
- What is on the tap? – Co máte na čepu?
- Draught/draft beer – čepované pivo
- Drought – sucho
- Vending machine
- Coffee
- Ticket window
- Terminals
- Tickets online
- One way ticket/return ticket
- Group ticket
- Season ticket – na různě dlouho dobu, for a different period of time
- Left – luggage office – úschovna zavazadel
- Arrival board x departure board – příjezd a odjezd
- Passenger train
- Express train/fast train
- Intercity
- Eurocity
- Bullet train – rychlovlaky
- Carriaage/coach – vagón
- Dining car – jídelní vůz
- Baggage car – zavazadlový vůz
- Engine driver / engineer – strojvůdce
- Conducter – průvodčí
Underground, subway (metro)
- Plus
- Frequent (časté)
- Cheap
- The wasted ways to travel in cities
- Cons
- Overcrowded
- Only in big cities
- In Brtitain – the oldest tube
- 14 lines
- 8 zones
- Return ticket
- Travel card – papírová jízdenka
- Oyster card – čipová karta, pro cestování v mhd
- Escalators – eskalátory
- Dogs
- Docklands
- Dockland light railway
- isan automated light metro system serving the redeveloped Docklands area of London
- don´t have any drivers
- Canary whalf – big financial centre in London, Isle of dogs
- Pros
- Pleasure, free time activity
- Door to door means of transport
- Easily go through traffic jam
- Much easier to find parking spot
- fuel consumption
- much faster
- you can buy smaller motorcycle under 18
- Cons
- Dangerous
- Less comfortable
- You can´t drink
- You cannot carry a lot of baggages
- Not friendly to environment
- Only to people can ride a motorcycle
- You cannot drive it always, depends on the weather
- Differences
- 2 wheels – no spare wheel
- Handlebars – řídítka
- No pedals -> levers (páky)
- Clutch lever, gear lever, brake lever
- Spokes – špice
- Expression – plane, aircraft
- Used for long distances
- Chopper – helikoptéra
- Pros
- Fastes way of travelling
- Statically the safest
- Can be comfortable
- For the distance – cheap
- You can drink alcohol
- Cons
- Unfriendly to environment
- Consume a lot of oxygen and
- Not door to door means of transport
- Airports are in big cities
- Long process
- At the airport – places like restaurants, cinema
- You have to arrive in city/country 2 hours before flight
- Luggage is limited
- Complicated transport of pet
- Airsick
- Turbulences
- Whole process of travelling by plane
- You have to choose your airplane
- -> Pack your luggage – between 20 kilos
- 1 bigger, 1 smaller – hand loggage, we can take this with us on airplane
- -> book the flight
- -> buy a fly ticket on the internet
- -> 24 hours before the flight – confirm the flight
- Take with us boarding ticket/card – electronic code – QR code or have it printed
- -> get to the airport
- -> ge to main hall
- -> find your airlane
- -> go to check-in desk – odbavovací přepážka
- -> show your flying ticket, passport, checks your luggage weight (noun) x weigh (verb) – if it´s higher – overweight -> you have to pay special fee (poplatek) called excess luggage fee (poplatek za překročení zavazadla)
- -> luggage is scanned using X-ray scanner
- -> you go through security frame, can´t have anything metal
- Banned – weapons, liquid over 100 ml
- -> go to departure lounge (odletová hala) and wait for flight
- -> we can find there many shops
- Duty free
- Alcohol, cosmetics, sweet, jewellery, restaurants, bars, vending machines
- -> departure, arrival boards/screens
- BA132 – airplane
- BA – british Airways number of flight destination
- Departure (odchod)
- Number of gate
- Dalayed/cancelled (zpoždění/zrušení)
- Boarding – means you can get on the plane
- -> checks boarding ticket – name, bumber of seat and everything else
- -> board on plane
- -> people on plane
- Cabin crew – palubní posádka – consist of
- Pilot, co-pilot
- Flight attendend – both men and women
- Stewardess – women
- Steward – men
- Air hostess – women
- They can help you find your seat
- -> show somebody to the seat – uvést
- Luggage – under seat or above – overhead locker/compartment
- -> turn mobile phone on flight mode
- -> fasten your belt
- -> security instructions
- -> each seat has a life jacket which is inflatable (nafukovací) and oxygen mask
- -> airplane roll to the runway
- -> plane takes off
- -> when it gets to certain height you can unfasten your belt
- -> plane lands
- -> get off plane
- -> arrival lounge (příletová hala)
- -> go through imigration officers (need visa)
- -> go to baggage claim/reclaim (reklamace zavazadel)
- -> conveyor belt -> called baggage carousel (zavazadlový kolotoč)
- -> take your bag with name tag (jmenovka)
Travell on boat
- Ship – bigger x boat – smaller
- Cruiser – výletní plavba, křížník – typ lodi
- Plus
- Comfortable
- There are restaurants, bars
- Cabin – kabina
- A lot of luggage
- Cons
- Slow
- Price is expensive
- Seasick (mořská nemoc)
- Not door to door means of transport
- vocabulary
- Port – přístav ve městě
- Harbour/harbor – ame.
- Docks –
- Pier – molo
- Ticket
- Types of ships
- Between 2 places – ferry – port for Ramsgate (in Dover)
- Tanker – oil spills – ropná skrvny
- Cargo ship
- Container ship
- Cruiser
- Aircraft carrier/flat top – letadlová loď
- Sailling ship – plachetnice, sails, powered by wind
- Power nuclear or gass
- Mast – stěžeň
- Yard –
- Helm – kormidlo, be at the helm
- Propeller – lodní šroub
- Deck –
- Howercraft – vznášedlo
- River boat on the Thames – Westminster pier
- Barrier
- Hapton court (Henry the VIII.)
Travelling by bicycle
- Pros
- door to door means of transport
- cheap
- faster than walking
- good for your body
- eco-friendly
- cons
- Dangerous
- Weather
- Might be stolen