London – maturitná téma (angličtina)[10]


Téma: London

Predmet: Angličtina

Zaslal(a): dex



London is the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It lies on the river Thames in the south – east of the country. The town has a roundish plan and the area of Big London spans 1577 km2. According to latest report from 2011 there are 8,136 million of people in London. London I salsa the residence of the British queen Elizabeth II., who has governed here since 1953, for 65 years. London is also together with New York and Tokyo one of the most important cities in the word.


The first bigger village Conidium was set up in 1043 by Romans. After the victorious battle at Hastings, William the Conqueror was crowned the King in 1066 in new, completed, Westminster Abbey. Both adjacent parts of the city were gradually growing and became a basis of the modern centre of London and in the 12th century they took over the main role of the city. In the middle of 14th century, London suffered a plague epidemic that killed about one third of the population. The next big disaster was the big fire. It damaged a big part of the city, whose resurgence then lasted more than 10 years. After the expansion of the city in the 18th century London was the biggest city in the world between 1831 – 1925. The growth of traffic increased in the year 1863 by founding the first metro in the world.


The centre social events of London are Westminster, where resides almost shops and funny centres. London City is the main financial centre of Great Britain and one of the most important in the world and is run by the Corporation of London.


The West End is regarded the most popular shopping and entertaining district of London. There also in the Trafalgar square, one of the most visited sights of London. The Oxford Street is one of the most famous streets in the world for shopping fashion brand clothes. At south away from east side Oxford Street there is Soho, the grid of small streets full of restaurants, taverns, smaller shops and boutiques, theatres and cinemas. Soho is as well famous for its busy clubs, bars and gay community.  The East London was the centre of metropolitan industrial area. It also played the crucial role in favourable candidature for hosting of the Olympic games in 2012. The West London includes elegant and expensive residence district the Notting Hill. Kennington and Chelsea are districts with grandest housing in Great Britain. Western direction at White city locates the main centre of the BBC. You can also find the FC Chelsea station here. We can find Wimbledon in South London. North London includes for example suburbs Hampstead and Highgate, which maintains a provincial format.


London belongs to the most visited towns in the world. Tourist attractions are mainly in the central London. To the most famous places and sights below the London Eye, Westminster palace, Tower Bridge, St. Paul´s cathedral, Chinese district, Camden Town – the place with markets, musical clubs and bars, then also Big Ben and a lot of others.

The most famous meal is the typical English breakfast then fried eggs, fried bacon, beans, stewed tomatoes and champignons and toasts. Other typical meals are for example roast beef – this is beef with peppermint sauce, or right is the street we can buy fish and chips – this are fries and pieces of fish.

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