Crime and punishment – maturitná téma (angličtina)


 Téma: Crime and punishment

 Predmet: Angličtina

 Zaslal(a): km



Crime is an action, which is against the law. We have many types of crime. Crimes and their punishments are divided according to their importance. We have minor crimes and serious crime.  A minor crime is a criminal offense that is less serious than a felony. For example: traffic offences, breach of municipal regulations, and littering, public nuisance among others.

When someone commits a serious crime like murder, rape, burglary, arson,… the police start investigate it. They search for clues like fingerprints, blood stains, hairs,…  and witnesses. They are questioning suspects and when they have enough evidence, they arrest him. Then he goes to the court and stand trial. The trial takes place in a courtroom and a person who is on trial is called defendant.

The lawyers are known as the defence. The defence calls witnesses to give evidence. The prosecution tries to prove that the defendant is guilty. They call witnesses who give evidence against him. The jury listens to all the evidence and decides whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. They then give their verdict. If the defendant is found guilty the judge passes sentence. Sentence is official punishment, especially a period of time in prison. The highest punishment is death penalty, which is not allowed in Czech Republic. Then we have, life sentence, probation, which means, that the person doesn´t go to the jail, but he can´t do something even little against the law.

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